Cooperative Parenting

Co-parenting is the experience of raising a child or children as a single parent when separation or divorce occurs. For co-parenting to be successful, empathy, patience, and open communication are required. Co-parenting isn't always easy, but placing the focus solely on the children is a great way to promote a positive experience.

There are two ways of problem-solving when co-parenting: strategic problem solving and social-psychological problem-solving. Strategic problem-solving looks at the issue at hand, while social-psychological problem solving is a more emotional way of resolving issues.


  • commit to making co-parenting an open dialogue with your ex
  • rules should be consistent and agreed upon in both households
  • commit to positive talk around the house
  • agree on boundaries and behavioral guidelines
  • create an extended family plan
  • recognize that co-parenting will challenge you
  • be aware of slippery slopes
  • be boring
  • update often
  • go for the high notes


  • don't burden your child/children
  • don't jump to conclusions or condemn your ex
  • don't be an unbalanced parent
  • don't give in to guilt
  • don't punish your ex by allowing your children to wiggle out of responsibility
  • don't accuse, discuss

For more information on problem-solving and the do's and don'ts of co-parenting, visit

Psychology Today is a reliable resource for reading more on co-parenting. They have many different articles about all aspects of co-parenting, from co-parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic to co-parenting myths.

Melissa Dianne Jones, LPCC  

Phone: 270-586-4645

Fax: 888-978-2021

608 South Main Street
PO Box 1331
Franklin, KY 42134